AnalogLamb - DEV-FPGA0010 - Xilinx ZYNQ 7100 FPGA Development Board

 AnalogLamb Zynq 7100 FPGA Development Board has up to 444K logic cells and 2020 DSP slices, integrate Dual ARM Cortex-A9 MPCores, up to 1GHz , provide 2GB 64bit DDR3 , up to 1600Mbps for PL and 1GB 32bit DDR3, up to 1066 for PS. 8GB eMMC for PS Storage. It has too much interface your need, for example PCIe, 1Gbps Ethernet, HDMI, USB2.0, UART, FMC and so on. It is very suitable for new idea verification.

Chip Specification

The Zynq®-7000 SoC family integrates the software programmability of an ARM®-based processor with the hardware programmability of an FPGA, enabling key analytics and hardware acceleration while integrating CPU, DSP, ASSP, and mixed signal functionality on a single device.

ZYNQ XC7Z100 Resources

  • Logic Cells - 444K

  • DSP Slices - 2020

  • Memory - 26.5Mb

  • GTX Transceivers - 16

  • I/0 Pins - 400


Board Specification

  • FPGA - Xilinx ZYNQ XC7Z100-FFG900 Chip

  • Dual ARM Cortex-A9 MPCores, up to 1GHz

  • DDR3 - 2GB 64bit DDR3 for PL, 1600Mbps

  • DDR3 - 1GB 32bit DDR3 for PS, 1066Mbps

  • PCIe - PCIe Gen2.0 x8 up to 40Gbps

  • eMMC - 8GB for PS

  • Flash - 256Mbit SPI x2

  • Ethernet - 1Gbps Ethernet x2

  • FMC HPC - GTX x 8lane, LVDS x 80

  • PL HDMI Interface x1

  • PS USB2.0 x2

  • USB to TTL x2

  • SD Card Interface x1

  • 200MHz & 156.25MHz Clock for GTX

  • JTGA Interface

  • Button x4, LED x8 and EEPROM


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